Public Issue Opinion Homework

This week we have started discussing public issues and core democratic values. We are combining this  social studies unit with our opinion writing unit and will learn how to write about a public issue.  We have learned that a public issue is something that people disagree on. A homework paper was sent home today.
Your child will need to find an article that pertains to a Michigan Public Issue. Once they find an article, they are to read the article with you and pull out the opinions shared by others concerning this issue. Also, I would like them to get your opinion on this issue, as well as, one other adult not living in your home.  This assignment must be returned by: Tuesday, April 22.

Once all the facts and opinions are gathered, your child will be writing an opinion paper based on their  public issue question.. Some ideas are: recycle laws, killing of the swans and snow owls, year round school, school uniforms or issue of their choice.

Thank you!