Update: Week of Oct. 1


It continues to be very important that students be practicing their multiplication facts at home. We work on multiplication at school, but students need continuous practice with the basic facts so they can complete the math work at school. There are a few ways students should be practicing at home:

FLASHCARDS: these should be coming home each night. It is not so helpful to try and practice the whole pile of flashcards in one sitting. Instead, choose one color count-bys that your child is struggling with and just practice those for that night. Then choose a different color on a different night. This will help mastery. A recommended order of practice is: 5s, 2s, 10s, 9s, 3s,.
As the flashcard folder gets full, we will start to take some out and keep them at school.

MOBYMAX: students have been working on MobyMax math fact practice at school. They are reviewing addition and subtraction facts and when they have mastered those, they will move on to multiplication and then division. Students can access Mobymax at home for practice.

Coming up this week:  WALKATHON
Friday, October 5 is our school WALKATHON.  This is sponsored by the PTC (Parents, Teachers and Children)…and it is our ONLY fundraiser for our school.  The money raised funds learning incentives, online learning programs and parent/child events throughout the year.  Our goal is to raise $30.00 per child to support our extra programs at school. PLEASE donate and join us for our Lovin’ the 80’s Walkathon!

Look for information about our READING CALENDAR later in the week.
