Week of Oct. 8

Here are a few things you will need to know:

  • Our Growth Mindset mantra this month is: MY BRAIN IS LIKE A MUSCLE THAT GROWS. Today, we made a new goal for ourselves. We put it right on our name tag as a daily reminder. The goal is: I will work hard to help my brain grow strong! 
  • Jet’s Pizza night: October 11
  • Early Release this Friday, Oct. 12
  • Snack: Please help your child remember to pack one healthy snack each day. I usually have a snack available for forgetful situations. If you are able to donate a box of graham crackers, our class would appreciate it!
  • Multiplication Fluency Practice Page: On Wednesdays (and sometimes more often) we assess multiplication fact fluency. This helps the students take responsibility in their learning. Students will be given a multiplication fact page one fact group at a time. This Wednesday we will start with the 5s. When the 5s page is passed,  your child will move on to the 2s. The order we will follow is: 5s, 2s, 10s, 9s, 3s, 4s, 6s, 7s, 8s. Your child has a graph where they will keep track of their progress so they know what facts to work on. You will see the practice page come home with a note attached that says: “GOT IT!” or “NOT YET”. This will let you know what facts to work on for the next practice page.
  • We made our GOAL!!!!
    Each day we use a scoreboard. If our scoreboard has more smile tallies than sad face tallies, we earn a smile magnet. So our class set a goal of earning 10 smile faces. When the class met the goal they would receive a treat from me. So today was the day! We enjoyed cookies and apple cider. Way to go, class!!