Tag Archives: gold

Going for the Gold!

Going for the GOLD in reading:

In honor of the upcoming Olympics, we are setting a reading goal for GOLD. Starting on February 12th, for every 30 minutes that a child reads they will color in a flag to place in the hall. Each second & third grade classroom will represent a different country. We will be researching our country, reading many nonfiction pieces about the Olympics, supplementing math activities and having some fun. Our closing ceremony will consist of a competition between 2nd & 3rd grade classrooms on Friday, February 26th. Please support us by reading at home so that we can fill the hall with our flags.

Reading at home also counts for a flag.  When your child reads for 30 minutes at home, log on to READING LOG and record your information.  Find your name under the third grade title, click on it and fill in the information.  I will receive the information and your child will get a flag.  If you would prefer to send a note to school, that is fine as well.

We are going for the GOLD!!