MEAP Testing

As you know from my earlier blog post (Oct 1), the MEAP begins this week.  I have listed our grade level test times below.  The test days are mandated by the State.
On test days, all students must be on time.  If they are late, and the test has begun, they cannot take the test that day.  Late students will need to sit in the office until the test is completed and take the test on one of the make up dates (also mandated and determined by the state).
Furthermore, if you child needs to leave during the test time, any unanswered questions are scored as wrong.  We ask that you NOT interrupt the MEAP test schedule.
We want all children to do their very best.  This is a high stakes test and we want to do all we can to support them.
 Third grade  will have MEAP Testing starting tomorrow Oct. 8 and Wednesday Oct. 9 as well as Next week on Tues. Oct 15.
Thank you for your support!