Coming Up!

****Our Valentine Party will be on Thursday the 14th from 12:50-1:45. I will be sending a class list home so your third grader can address Valentine cards. Please have your third grader make a Valentine box to set at their desk. A smaller size box will work well or even a bag will be fine.  Usually a tissue box works well since it already has an opening. The decorating will be done at home. Get creative! Just make sure the box is here next Thursday!

****Mrs. Reagan recently complimented our class on our outstanding behavior in music, art, P.E. and in the hallways. She said that we have earned an extra ‘chill time’. As a class we decided that we would like to end our day on Thursday (tomorrow) with some movie time. With that movie time it was voted that we wear pajamas and bring in small blankets and/or stuffed animals. 

****Winter break is this Friday, February 8 through Monday February 11. Enjoy your weekend. I’ll see you Tuesday!