Tag Archives: Valentine’s Day

Third Grade Update

Hi Families,
Here’s what’s happening in third grade:

Today, we started a new writing unit. We will be learning about literary essays and the class will be working on reading a text, studying the characters, and writing a literary essay.

We are finishing up Unit 4 with the test tomorrow (Tuesday). We will move on to Unit 3 and study measurement, weight, volume, mass, elapsed time, and graphing.

We started our Character Studies unit today. We will use the book Because of Winn-Dixie to study the main character and we will move on to book clubs where the students will talk and discuss the characters in their text.

A new math/reading log went home today. Please remind your third grader to fill this out throughout the week to keep track of their reading and math practice. It is very important that our third graders are remaining consistent with this especially as we move into the next reading and math units. Thank you!

Growth Mindset:
In the last few weeks we have learned about empathy, using strategies for worrying, and today we started talking about how our mindset impacts our mood.

Valentine’s Day:
We will do some Valentine related activities on Friday, February. 12. If your child chooses to bring in Valentine’s to pass out, they should be brought to school before Wednesday, February 10. I will send a class list home. We will decorate Valentine gift bags at school.

Friday, February 5 is an early release. Dismissal is at 12:15
Monday, February 8- NO SCHOOL- WINTER BREAK



Week of February 17

Hi Parents,

Parent/Teacher conferences will be held Monday, March 9 and Wednesday, March 11. Your conference time will be sent home with your child today. Please look for that in your child’s homework folder.

Homework: Study Island homework assignment should be completed by Tuesday evening. An email was sent last Wednesday giving directions about logging into Study Island.

Economics Test: We will have our test tomorrow, Tuesday 2/18. A review page went home last Thursday.

This Friday, February 21 is an early release day. Dismissal is at 12:15pm.


On Friday, we enjoyed a few Valentine activities. We read about Milton Hershey and his creation of milk chocolate and we used candy hearts to play games and build towers.

Valentine’s Day

Hi Parents,

I sent home a class list for Valentine’s Day. We will have our Valentine party on Friday, February 14 from 12:45-1:45. I will be contacting parents soon that signed up to volunteer. We will not be making Valentine boxes at school. Please have your child do this at home. They may use a bag, box, or whatever will work to hold Valentine’s. A decorated Kleenex box works well!

Speaking of Kleenex……we are running out! If you are willing do donate some to our classroom, we would appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

Have a nice weekend!

Coming Up!

****Our Valentine Party will be on Thursday the 14th from 12:50-1:45. I will be sending a class list home so your third grader can address Valentine cards. Please have your third grader make a Valentine box to set at their desk. A smaller size box will work well or even a bag will be fine.  Usually a tissue box works well since it already has an opening. The decorating will be done at home. Get creative! Just make sure the box is here next Thursday!

****Mrs. Reagan recently complimented our class on our outstanding behavior in music, art, P.E. and in the hallways. She said that we have earned an extra ‘chill time’. As a class we decided that we would like to end our day on Thursday (tomorrow) with some movie time. With that movie time it was voted that we wear pajamas and bring in small blankets and/or stuffed animals. 

****Winter break is this Friday, February 8 through Monday February 11. Enjoy your weekend. I’ll see you Tuesday!

::Valentine’s Day::

Dear Families,

Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Tuesday February 14 from 12:45-1:30. I will be contacting those that signed up to help. Let me know if you are willing to lead the party. I have sent home a class list today for preparing Valentine cards.

We will prepare Valentine boxes in class. Please send in an empty Kleenex box (any size) with your third grader by Thursday February 9. Please have your child put their name on the bottom of the box.

Thanks so much!!  🙂

Miss Van Arkel