Tag Archives: social studies test

Week of December 9

Here are a few things to know from third grade:

Holiday Shop: Our class will visit the holiday shop on Monday, December 16. You will find a note coming home in your child’s folder tonight. If your child plans to make a purchase, please send the money in the envelope. Thanks!

Candy Cane Sale:       
The 5th Grade Candy Cane sale continues until the 18th. If your child plans to buy a candy cane, please send in $1.00. Thank you!

Social Studies Quiz and Test: We are learning about how people modify and adapt to the environment. We will have a short quiz on Thursday. A review page will come home on Tuesday.   We will have our Geography unit Test next Wednesday.

Homework Reminder:
Reading and Math Fact Log due every Monday.
Please help your child remember to sign on the days they read and practice facts. 


Our donation box is filling up!

Our Class Making A Difference:
As we enter the winter months, we realize that not everyone has access to warm socks, hats, gloves, or mittens. These are essential items for a Michigan winter! Our class would like to bless others by collecting these items to then be donated to area shelters and/or food pantries so they can be distributed to those in need.

If you are able, please send in new socks, hats, gloves/mittens. All sizes, kids through adult!
We will collect items through December 16. I will plan to drop the items off, but if you have a
place in mind and would be willing to do a drop off, please let me know!



December 12: Holiday Program     Click HERE for more details.
December 13: Early Release- dismissal at 12:15pm
December 16: Holiday Shop
December 19: Classroom Holiday Party  9:00am- more details to come this week! 


Holiday Spirit Days December 16-20

Dec. 16– wear red and green
Dec. 17– wear a holiday hat (antlers, elf, Santa, etc.)
Dec.18– wear a scarf, hat, and/or holiday socks
Dec. 19– pajamas and slippers
Dec. 20 – wear a holiday sweater


Update: Week of May 27

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend! I can’t believe we are so close to the last day of school! It has been a great school year and I am so glad to have this group of great 3rd graders to work with this year!!

FIELD TRIP: We had a great day at Frederik Meijer Gardens today! We had some time to explore and then we experienced a great presentation to learn about trees and tree identification. It connected well to our studies of Native Americans, too!

SOCIAL STUDIES TEST: We will have our Core Democratic Values/Public Issues test on Thursday. We reviewed today and the review sheet should come home in your child’s folder.

MATH TEST: We will have our final math test on Friday. This will cover 1 and 2 step word problems and comparison problems. We will review this week and the review page should come home in your child’s folder.

Biography Living Museum is next Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30-2:15. Look for more information to come through email this week.

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL: Friday June 7. This is a half day and dismissal is at 12:15pm.


Social Studies Test

We will have our test on Regions on Wednesday.

This will cover:

Regions that Michigan belongs to: The Midwest and The Great Lakes.

Regions that Michigan can be divided into:

Upper and Lower Peninsula

Upper Peninsula, Northern Lower Peninsula, and Southern Lower Peninsula

Unique Regions of Michigan:

The Thumb,  Fruit Belt (Northwest part of Lower Peninsula), The Detroit Area

A study guide will go home tonight. Students should be able to explain why these areas are regions. What are the features they have in common? What makes them different from other regions?